Two days ago Bryce started his day at 7am helping in the flower garden's. My day didn't start until 9:45 am so I decided to go for a walk. I decided to walk down to the Smith family historic sites. No one was around but the chirping birds. As I walked past the Mansion House and the old Homestead and the graves of Hyrum Smith and Joseph and Emma Smith, many of the events that happened here so many years ago came to mind. The great faith of the Saints, their love of God and of His prophet Joseph Smith. I felt so grateful to be here in Nauvoo how my love for these people has deepened.
Emma and Joseph Smith's "Mansion House".
The old homestead and graves of Hyrum Smith, Joseph and Emma Smith.
Graves of Joseph Smith's parents.
Graves on right, homestead in middle and Mansion house back far left behind the trees.
Flowering tree near Joseph Bates Noble's home. (Bryce's ancestor) Isn't it beautiful?
Beautiful tree along the way. Not sure what kind.
My first discovery was while serving in the Brigham Young home today. There was a robin nest on the outside window ledge. Beautiful blue eggs. I later saw the momma bird on the nest.
Discovery number two was meeting a man that was from Byron, Illinois where Jared grew up. He knew all the Merrills very well. He's now a permenant resident in Nauvoo. What a small world!