Friday, May 29, 2015

A Surprising Relative!

Last week, I met a couple who had been doing some family history research and found out that they had a Mormon ancestor in the 1840's. They didn't know very much about the church but they did find out that this ancestor had lived in Nauvoo so they came to see what it was all about. I was at the Lands and Records office that day and helped them find the property their ancestor and his 3 sons had owned. They were so excited as we plotted out the property on a map so they could go find it in historic Nauvoo of today. We even had a chance to talk about the faith in Jesus Christ that brought the Mormons to Nauvoo in the first place. They were very glad they had come and hoped to be able to come back to see more. Being a missionary and sharing the gospel is great!!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Both of us at the Nauvoo Family Living Center!

One of the 6 learning areas at this site is how the Saints made bread. Bread was a staple to them - just like their faith in Jesus Christ as the Bread of Life. These loaves I'm kneading get baked in an "oven" built into the fireplace. The guests get samples of this delicious bread made daily by missionaries just like me. 

I caught Elder Walton explaining how barrels were made. It was a 7 year apprenticeship to become a Cooper (barrel maker)! Some of the other sites are pottery, candle-making and weaving.  

Between guests, I learned how to make a shawl pioneer-style. It was alot of fun weaving that long hook over and under the cross yarns. 

Rugs and table runners are made on these looms. It takes 3 hours to load the loom with over 300 threads.

Lots of guests like making their own rope with this awesome "rope-maker"- Elder Walton and the cool contraption he's working with. 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Photos around Nauvoo

It's the time of year that the dogwood flowers. We've seen them in pink and white. 

We were up by the Nauvoo Temple last night. 

The statues of Joseph and Hyrum Smith look so real in this light. 

This is the view of the Temple from the East side. 

This is a statue at the Old Nauvoo Cemetery.

There are only a few markers left at the Cemetery. From journals, they have a very good idea of who was buried here but it's not known exactly where they are buried.  

You can see the huge lock that lets the tugs and barges through. 

This is a part of the dam across the Mississippi at Keokuk, Iowa. 

On Sunday afternoon, we drove to Carthage, Illinois. Behind the statue of Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum is the Carthage Jail where they were both martyred by a mob 27 June 1844.